
“When we sincerely repent, no spiritual scar remains, no matter what we have done, how serious it was, or how many times we repeated it. As often as we repent and seek forgiveness with real intent, we can be forgiven. What a remarkable gift from our Savior, Jesus Christ! The Holy Ghost can assure us that we have been forgiven. As we sense joy and peace, guilt is swept away, and we are no longer tormented by our sin. Even after sincere repentance, however, we may stumble. Stumbling does not mean that the repentance was inadequate but may simply reflect human weakness. How comforting to know that “the Lord sees weaknesses differently than He [sees] rebellion.” We should not doubt the Savior’s ability to help us with our weaknesses, because “when the Lord speaks of weaknesses, it is always with mercy.”

Dale G Renlund, “Our Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny”, General Conference, April 2022