A Richness and Fulness to Life

“Those who wholeheartedly turn their lives over to our Savior and serve God and fellowman discover a richness and fulness to life that the selfish or egotistic will never experience. The unselfish give of themselves. These may be small gifts of charity that have a grand impact for good: a smile, a handshake, a hug, time spent in [...]

By |2022-07-10T04:04:41+00:00July 10th, 2022|Love One Another, Quotes, Sacrifice|Comments Off on A Richness and Fulness to Life

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

A poor, wayfaring Man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief That I could never answer nay. I had not pow'r to ask his name, Whereto he went, or whence he came; Yet there was something in his eye That won my love; I knew not why. [...]

By |2019-04-04T05:22:51+00:00April 4th, 2019|Music|Comments Off on A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
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